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Home Services

Automated control of your home can consist of one simple system for controlling almost every device in your home. Imagine coming home from work as you pull into your drive and press your garage door opener your house comes alive. Your garage and entry lights come on, your local television turns on to display the news or maybe the hot game you have been waiting for. Light music compiled of your favorite artists plays throughout the main floor while your kid’s music comes alive in the playroom. The thermostat knows you are at home as well and adjusts to your at home desired setting saving you money while your away. After work or after play its great coming home to house that welcomes you.

Control and Automation Control and Automation

Perhaps you want to call ahead and let the home know that you are on your way or turn on and off your irrigation, set your thermostat, or speak to your security system. Home control can seem as if your home is taking care of you. Talk to your home from your computer, or from your phone, perhaps through a touch screen placed strategically throughout your home, and yes even your universal remote control.
 Electronics in your home can be integrated seamlessly for greater ease and enhanced uses. Allow us to evaluate your home and existing devices and provide a solution to put your home to work for you.

Control and Automation

Control and Automation

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